
Common Peugeot Cylinder Head Torques and Valve Clearances

The table below has been built to provide a quick reference chart for my benefit, as I am often asked for this sort of information. You should always check against the specific engine type, as there maybe differences between types. To the best of my knowledge they are correct and I do check from time to time.

Engine type Torque and Method Valve Clearances In/Ex
TU Alloy Block Bolt by bolt: Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 240° 0.20mm / 0.40mm +-0.05mm
TU Cast Block Bolt by bolt: Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 120°. Tighten a further 120° 0.20mm / 0.40mm +-0.05mm
TUD3 Pre-Tighten to 60 NM. Slacken and tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 160° plus 160° 0.15mm / 0.30mm +- 0.07mm
TUD5 Pre-Tighten to 40 NM. Tighten a further 300° 0.15mm / 0.30mm +- 0.07mm
TU5JP4 Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 260° Hydraulic
ET3J4 Pre-Tighten to 15 NM. Tighten a further 25 NM. Tighten a further 200° Hydraulic
XU 8 valve Pre-Tighten to 60 NM. Slacken and retighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 100° a bolt at a time. Tighten a further 100°. Tighten a further 100° 0.20mm / 0.40mm +- 0.05mm
XU10j2 Pre-Tighten to 35 NM. Tighten a further 70 NM. Tighten a further 160° 0.20mm / 0.40mm +- 0.05mm
XUD7 / XUD7te / XUD9 / XUD9te Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 60 NM. Tighten a further 180° (except XUD9te 220°) 0.15mm / 0.30mm +- 0.07mm
XUD11ate / XUD11bte Pre-Tighten to 70 NM. Tighten a further 150°. Retighten after warm up and 3 hours cooling 0.15mm / 0.30mm +- 0.07mm
EW7j4 / EW10j4 Pre-Tighten to 15 NM. Tighten a further 50 NM. Slacken 360°. Retighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 285° Hydraulic
DW8 Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 60 NM. Tighten a further 180° 0.15mm / 0.30mm +- 0.07mm
DW10 Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Tighten a further 60 NM. Tighten a further 220° Hydraulic
ES9A/ES9J4/ES9J4S Pre-Tighten to 20 NM. Slacken completely. Retighten to 15 NM. Tighten a further 225° Hydraulic
XD3 Pre-tighten head bolts to 30 NM
Further tighten to 70 NM
Slacken bolts individually by 90°
Tighten bolts to 70 NM
Run engine for 10 minutes
Allow to stand for 3.5 hours
Slacken bolts individually by 90°
Tighten bolts to 70 NM
Tighten further by 120°
0.15mm / 0.25mm +-0.05mm
EP6DT Pre-Tighten head bolts to 30 NM
Pre-Tighten the 2 end bolts, (timing side) to 25 NM
Pre-Tighten the single bolt, at the rear of the head, to 15 NM
Angle tighten head bolts 90°
Angle tighten the single bolt, at the rear of the head, 90°
Tighten the 2 end bolts to 30 NM

Cylinder Head Tightening Method

Proceed Bolt by Bolt in the order shown

cylinder head

Last Reviewed: 16 April 2021Copyright © 2004...2021 Mark Stammers